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package ch.fritteli.maze.generator.serialization.v2;
import ch.fritteli.maze.generator.model.Direction;
import ch.fritteli.maze.generator.model.Maze;
import ch.fritteli.maze.generator.model.Position;
import ch.fritteli.maze.generator.model.Tile;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.experimental.UtilityClass;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.EnumSet;
* <pre>
* decimal hex bin border
* 0 0 0000 no border
* 1 1 0001 top
* 2 2 0010 right
* 3 3 0011 top+right
* 4 4 0100 bottom
* 5 5 0101 top+bottom
* 6 6 0110 right+bottom
* 7 7 0111 top+right+bottom
* 8 8 1000 left
* 9 9 1001 top+left
* 10 a 1010 right+left
* 11 b 1011 top+right+left
* 12 c 1100 bottom+left
* 13 d 1101 top+bottom+left
* 14 e 1110 right+bottom+left
* 15 f 1111 top+right+bottom+left
* </pre>
* ==&gt; bits 0..2: always 0; bit 3: 1=solution, 0=not solution; bits 4..7: encode walls ==&gt; first bytes are:
* <pre>
* byte hex meaning
* 00 0x1a magic
* 01 0xb1 magic
* 02 0x02 version (0x00 -> dev, 0x01 -> deprecated, 0x02 -> stable)
* 03..06 width (int)
* 07..10 height (int)
* 11..14 start-x (int)
* 15..18 start-y (int)
* 19..22 end-x (int)
* 23..26 end-y (int)
* 27..34 random seed number (long)
* 35.. tiles
* </pre>
* Extraneous space (poss. last nibble) is ignored.
public class SerializerDeserializerV2 {
final byte MAGIC_BYTE_1 = 0x1a;
final byte MAGIC_BYTE_2 = (byte) 0xb1;
final byte VERSION_BYTE = 0x02;
private final byte TOP_BIT = 0b0000_0001;
private final byte RIGHT_BIT = 0b0000_0010;
private final byte BOTTOM_BIT = 0b0000_0100;
private final byte LEFT_BIT = 0b0000_1000;
private final byte SOLUTION_BIT = 0b0001_0000;
* Serializes the {@code maze} into a byte array.
* @param maze The {@link Maze} to be serialized.
* @return The resulting byte array.
public byte[] serialize(@NonNull final Maze maze) {
final MazeOutputStreamV2 stream = new MazeOutputStreamV2();
return stream.toByteArray();
* Deserializes the byte array into an instance of {@link Maze}.
* @param bytes The byte array to be deserialized.
* @return An instance of {@link Maze}.
public Maze deserialize(@NonNull final byte[] bytes) {
final MazeInputStreamV2 stream = new MazeInputStreamV2(bytes);
return stream.readMazeData();
Maze createMaze(@NonNull final Tile[][] field, final int width, final int height, @NonNull final Position start, @NonNull final Position end, final long randomSeed) {
try {
final Constructor<Maze> constructor = Maze.class.getDeclaredConstructor(Tile[][].class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Position.class, Position.class, Long.TYPE);
return constructor.newInstance(field, width, height, start, end, randomSeed);
} catch (@NonNull final NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException |
InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Can not deserialize Maze from maze data.", e);
private Tile createTile(@NonNull final EnumSet<Direction> walls, boolean solution) {
try {
final Constructor<Tile> constructor = Tile.class.getDeclaredConstructor(EnumSet.class, Boolean.TYPE);
return constructor.newInstance(walls, solution);
} catch (@NonNull final NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException |
InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Can not deserialize Tile from maze data.", e);
byte getBitmaskForTile(@NonNull final Tile tile) {
byte bitmask = 0;
if (tile.hasWallAt(Direction.TOP)) {
bitmask |= TOP_BIT;
if (tile.hasWallAt(Direction.RIGHT)) {
bitmask |= RIGHT_BIT;
if (tile.hasWallAt(Direction.BOTTOM)) {
bitmask |= BOTTOM_BIT;
if (tile.hasWallAt((Direction.LEFT))) {
bitmask |= LEFT_BIT;
if (tile.isSolution()) {
bitmask |= SOLUTION_BIT;
return bitmask;
Tile getTileForBitmask(final byte bitmask) {
final EnumSet<Direction> walls = EnumSet.noneOf(Direction.class);
if ((bitmask & TOP_BIT) == TOP_BIT) {
if ((bitmask & RIGHT_BIT) == RIGHT_BIT) {
if ((bitmask & BOTTOM_BIT) == BOTTOM_BIT) {
if ((bitmask & LEFT_BIT) == LEFT_BIT) {
final boolean solution = (bitmask & SOLUTION_BIT) == SOLUTION_BIT;
return createTile(walls, solution);