Support a list of countries to ban.

This commit is contained in:
Manuel Friedli 2020-09-15 14:06:54 +02:00
parent 131f847d6a
commit 7328bbac8f
1 changed files with 36 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -80,32 +80,38 @@ function print_help() {
Usage: $(basename $0) -d FILE [OPTION...]
${bold}Mandatory options:${reset}
-d, --database=FILE The path to the GeoIP2 database file (must be either
country or city database).
-d, --database=FILE The path to the GeoIP2 database file (must
be either country or city database).
${bold}Optional options:${reset}
-a, --auto[=LIMIT] Enable the autopilot for automatically banning IP
addresses of the desired country (see also -c option).
When LIMIT is given, only auto-ban IP addresses with at
least LIMIT current connections.
When LIMIT is omitted, assume LIMIT=1.
-a, --auto[=LIMIT] Enable the autopilot for automatically
banning IP addresses of the desired
countries (see also -c option).
When LIMIT is given, only auto-ban IP
addresses with at least LIMIT current
When LIMIT is omitted, assume LIMIT=1.
-c, --country=COUNTRY The country-code to block; defaults to 'CN' (China).
-c, --country=COUNTRY[,COUNTRY...] The country-codes to block as a list of
comma-separated values; defaults to 'CN'
-j, --jail=JAIL Specify the JAIL to use for banning the IP addresses.
Defaults to 'apache-auth'.
-j, --jail=JAIL Specify the JAIL to use for banning the IP
Defaults to 'apache-auth'.
-n, --netmask=SIZE SIZE defines the subnet size in bytes to be analyzed.
Valid values are:
- 1 or 8 for class A networks (X.0.0.0/8)
- 2 or 16 for class B networks (X.X.0.0/16)
- 3 or 24 for class C networks (X.X.X.0/24)
- 4 or 32 for class D networks (X.X.X.X/32)
-n, --netmask=SIZE SIZE defines the subnet size in bytes to
be analyzed.
Valid values are:
- 1 or 8 for class A networks (X.0.0.0/8)
- 2 or 16 for class B networks (X.X.0.0/16)
- 3 or 24 for class C networks (X.X.X.0/24)
- 4 or 32 for class D networks (X.X.X.X/32)
-p, --port=PORT The desired port to monitor.
Defaults to 443 (https).
-p, --port=PORT The desired port to monitor.
Defaults to 443 (https).
-h, --help Show this help message
-h, --help Show this help message
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.
@ -174,7 +180,11 @@ function parse_command_line_args() {
IFS=',' read -ra bancountries <<< "$2"
if [[ -z ${bancountries[@]// } ]] ; then
echo "Invalid argument for parameter 'country': '$2'. Invoke with --help for help." >&2
exit 1
@ -320,16 +330,16 @@ function process_file () {
set_highlight_color "${count}"
country="$("${curdir}/" -f "${database}" "${addronly}")"
if [[ autopilot -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo "Country: '${country}'"
echo "Country: '${yellow}${country}${reset}'"
echo -n "Address ${bold}$((nline++)) of ${nlines}${reset}: \
Found '${blue}${addrwithsuffix}${reset}' ${hilite}${count}${reset} times."
if [[ ${autopilot} -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo -n "Ban [y/N/s=No, and skip remaining]? "
echo -n " Ban [y/N/s=No, and skip remaining]? "
read banaction
if [[ "${country}" == "${bancountry}" ]] ; then
if [[ " ${bancountries[@]} " =~ " ${country} " ]] ; then
if [[ $count -ge $autopilot ]] ; then
echo -en "\n${red}Autopilot active. ${reset}"
@ -356,11 +366,11 @@ skipping remaining addresses."
"y" | "Y" )
echo "Adding '${blue}${addrwithsuffix}${reset}' to \
banlist (country=${yellow}${country}${reset})."
echo "${addrwithsuffix}" >> "${banlist}"
"n" | "N" | * )
echo "Not banning '${blue}${addrwithsuffix}${reset}' (country='${country}')."
echo "Not banning '${blue}${addrwithsuffix}${reset}' (country=${yellow}${country}${reset})."
# Here goes: Pipe the file contents via filedescriptor 3.
@ -392,7 +402,7 @@ touch "${banlist}"