fritteli's Gentoo overlay =================== Gentoo overlay with some ebuilds that I found either outdated or missing in the official repository or in other overlays. Ebuilds are usually removed from this overlay whenever I find a version available in the official tree or in another overlay (provided I'm content with them). Using with Layman ----------------- Use layman to easily install and update overlays over time. If you haven't used layman yet, just run these commands: USE=git emerge -va layman echo PORTDIR_OVERLAY=\"\" > /var/lib/layman/make.conf echo "source /var/lib/layman/make.conf" >> /etc/make.conf Then you can add this overlay wih: layman -o -f -a fritteli Keep the overlay up to date from Git: layman -s fritteli Maintainers ----------- * [Manuel Friedli]( Acknowledgements ---------------- Thanks go to Jakub Jirutka, the maintainer of the [CVUT Overlay](, from whom I shamelessly copied this for a start.