#!/bin/bash # # Wrapper script to run Skype with sound wrapper when possible logfile="${HOME}/.Skype/skype.log" progname="skype" progpath="/opt/${progname}/" progopts="--resources-path ${progpath}" shellcheck1=` which artsshell 2> /dev/null ` shellcheck2=` which esd 2> /dev/null ` artsdcheck=` ps x | grep artsd | grep -v grep ` ## We use ps ax for esd as esd can be used globaly for all users. esdcheck=` ps ax | grep "esd ." | grep -v grep ` skypecmd="${progpath}${progname}.bin" wrapsound="yes" #Use 32bits wrapper in 64 bits system xdspsuffix="" if [ `uname -m` == "x86_64" ]; then xdspsuffix=32 fi [ "$1" == "oss" ] && wrapsound="no" [ -d "$(dirname "${logfile}")" ] || mkdir "$(dirname "${logfile}")" echo "===== " `date` " =====" > ${logfile} if [[ -z ${shellcheck1} && -z ${shellcheck2} ]] then echo "No installed artsshell or esd found" echo "Assuming you're running no sound daemon" echo "Starting ${progname} without a sound wrapper" | tee --append "${logfile}" else if [[ ${wrapsound} == "yes" && ${shellcheck1} == $(artsc-config --arts-prefix)/bin/artsshell && -n ${artsdcheck} ]] then echo "Running artsd found" echo "Starting artsd wrapped ${progname}" | tee --append "${logfile}" skypecmd="env MALLOC_CHECK_=0 artsdsp${xdspsuffix} -m ${skypecmd}" elif [[ ${wrapsound} == "yes" && ${shellcheck2} == /usr/bin/esd && -n ${esdcheck} ]] then echo "Running esd found" echo "Starting esd wrapped ${progname}" | tee --append "${logfile}" skypecmd="esddsp${xdspsuffix} ${skypecmd}" else if [ ${wrapsound} == "yes" ] then echo "No running artsd or esd found" else echo "Use of sound-daemon disabled" fi echo "Starting ${progname} without sound daemon" | tee --append "${logfile}" fi fi #Going to "homedir" cd ${progpath} echo "${skypecmd} ${progopts}" >> ${logfile} echo "==========================================" ${skypecmd} ${progopts} >> ${logfile} 2>> ${logfile} if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "Running wrapped Skype failed, trying not-wrapped mode..." echo "==========================================" skypecmd="${progpath}${progname}.bin" ${skypecmd} ${progopts} >> ${logfile} 2>&1 fi exit $?