import {ROT13Converter} from './rot13-converter'; describe('ROT13Converter', () => { let sut: ROT13Converter; beforeEach(() => sut = new ROT13Converter()); it('should create an instance', () => { expect(sut).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should have a display name', () => { expect(sut.getDisplayname()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should have the id "rot13"', () => { expect(sut.getId()).toEqual('rot13'); }); it('should encode "Hello, World!" to "Uryyb, Jbeyq!"', () => { expect(sut.convert('Hello, World!')).toEqual('Uryyb, Jbeyq!'); }); it('should return the original input after being applied twice', () => { const input = 'Ok, so this string is just a bunch of letters. And numbers: 1, 2, 3. Ans others: /&%. Kthxbye!'; expect(sut.convert(sut.convert(input))).toEqual(input); }); });