import {ConvertorizrPage} from './app.po'; describe('convertorizr App', () => { let page: ConvertorizrPage; beforeEach(() => { page = new ConvertorizrPage(); }); it('should display a textarea that is initially empty', () => { page.navigateTo() .then(() => page.getInputFieldContent(0)) .then((value: string) => { expect(value).toEqual(''); }); }); it('should convert a string to its base64 representation', () => { page.navigateTo() .then(() => page.setInputFieldContent(0, 'Hello, World!')) .then(() => page.getSelectedConverterOption(0)) .then((option: string) => { expect(option).toEqual('Select conversion ...'); }) .then(() => page.selectConverterOption(0, 'Encode Base 64')) .then(() => page.getInputFieldContent(1)) .then((content: string) => { expect(content).toEqual('SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=='); }); }); it('should display an error message if the conversion fails', () => { page.navigateTo() .then(() => page.setInputFieldContent(0, 'Oh noes!')) .then(() => page.selectConverterOption(0, 'Decode Base 64')) .then(() => page.getErrorMessage(0)) .then((content: string) => { expect(content).toEqual('Could not decode base64 string. Maybe corrupt input?'); }); }); });