import {Base64Encoder} from './base64-encoder'; describe('Base64Encoder', () => { let sut: Base64Encoder; beforeEach(() => sut = new Base64Encoder()); it('should create an instance', () => { expect(sut).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should have a display name', () => { expect(sut.getDisplayname()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should have the id "base64encode"', () => { expect(sut.getId()).toEqual('base64encode'); }); it('should encode "Oh, guete Tag!" to "T2gsIGd1ZXRlIFRhZyE="', () => { expect(sut.convert('Oh, guete Tag!')).toEqual('T2gsIGd1ZXRlIFRhZyE='); }); it('should raise an exception on invalid input', () => { expect(() => sut.convert('€')).toThrowError(/Looks like you've got a character outside of the Latin1 range there./); }); });