#!/bin/sh echo "Target: ${ENVIRON}" if [ "develop" == "${ENVIRON}" ] ; then echo "Deploying ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} to develop. You can access it at .../${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" target="${WWW_DEPLOY_ROOT_DEVELOP}/${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" rm -rf "${target}" mkdir -p "${target}/dist" cp -a index.html manifest.appcache info resources "${target}" cp -a dist/*.min.* "${target}/dist" else echo "Automatic deployment to ${ENVIRON} is not yet implemented." fi if [ "${WWW_DEPLOY_ROOT_DEVELOP}" == "${TARGET}" ] ; then echo "Deployment to develop requested" elif [ "${WWW_DEPLOY_ROOT_STAGING}" == "${TARGET}" ] ; then echo "Deployment to staging requested" elif [ "${WWW_DEPLOY_ROOT_PRODUCTION}" == "${TARGET}" ] ; then echo "Deployment to PRODUCTION requested" else echo "Unknown environment: ${TARGET}" fi