removed awstats ebuild (was b0rked anyway) and the whole net-www directory along with it
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 0 additions and 589 deletions
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
AUX awstats-6.3-gentoo.diff 1219 RMD160 8c6ea2a093c231043674f8f14bc4332cfeeee930 SHA1 8a1971c0e710cec05004a7e94461f83f77b2fd1a SHA256 0de073550f021a93d883c307f999b4b6ead1abf3a587118e2e01578907d15814
MD5 7a52d3f65ff7220a519056716d460ecd files/awstats-6.3-gentoo.diff 1219
RMD160 8c6ea2a093c231043674f8f14bc4332cfeeee930 files/awstats-6.3-gentoo.diff 1219
SHA256 0de073550f021a93d883c307f999b4b6ead1abf3a587118e2e01578907d15814 files/awstats-6.3-gentoo.diff 1219
AUX awstats-6.5-CVE-2006-2237-CVE-2006-1945.diff 5601 RMD160 3482785b35e2ae26517220f8c9710821ba53f141 SHA1 b891e3779c53752c09e3cec476f92b8b9745dcbc SHA256 b09c586b092d995a517ef7f132d96ff8c23f41863a36a3c3cdb9ba2127d592e8
MD5 f03114958a5db660548ae07a4384a655 files/awstats-6.5-CVE-2006-2237-CVE-2006-1945.diff 5601
RMD160 3482785b35e2ae26517220f8c9710821ba53f141 files/awstats-6.5-CVE-2006-2237-CVE-2006-1945.diff 5601
SHA256 b09c586b092d995a517ef7f132d96ff8c23f41863a36a3c3cdb9ba2127d592e8 files/awstats-6.5-CVE-2006-2237-CVE-2006-1945.diff 5601
AUX postinst-en-r1.txt 2412 RMD160 6f4b9705b36ab0968d82f94915d8d6526f52fbe8 SHA1 953ec2765fd8322035c4b5dbc92741343814ffee SHA256 ae1c4d318867c444583af0b34b057955cc10f45fc6fa5457f06261d8ba5b3884
MD5 0f07e151318866da2d4239e4c004e7e4 files/postinst-en-r1.txt 2412
RMD160 6f4b9705b36ab0968d82f94915d8d6526f52fbe8 files/postinst-en-r1.txt 2412
SHA256 ae1c4d318867c444583af0b34b057955cc10f45fc6fa5457f06261d8ba5b3884 files/postinst-en-r1.txt 2412
AUX postinst-en.txt 5049 RMD160 e95456f3254699bb14a27d20ae766fbd46147507 SHA1 fcce691131df0316a2ad1dc4c33e30a2dd82bfd7 SHA256 95bbc8d3ef9d7376fe743de4d8cb7aae3206550811a9ea4ea47513f34d578c1f
MD5 f881494a979cdea82d58e31b589d9a97 files/postinst-en.txt 5049
RMD160 e95456f3254699bb14a27d20ae766fbd46147507 files/postinst-en.txt 5049
SHA256 95bbc8d3ef9d7376fe743de4d8cb7aae3206550811a9ea4ea47513f34d578c1f files/postinst-en.txt 5049
DIST awstats-6.7.tar.gz 1089638 RMD160 5a84327871b65cad5cb6dbaded5c223660806953 SHA1 7dab4208441bce494bf1b3937242794a2328ace1 SHA256 36344e7c2271393cf60e9a3818392fbece0ff838c83fcf59fed9818dfac5a081
EBUILD awstats-6.7-r1.ebuild 3963 RMD160 a8b8750c2b3f4c8afbd5e9c47c3815e550798a7a SHA1 b0ea5157a845fc7e5fc37df7839ff9356eabc68e SHA256 38321191edacd7c9f7158159c800ba2d845da4f4a9b39ba0c347b3689df17bd6
MD5 f1c3a212df5d04d26b13eb646627017d awstats-6.7-r1.ebuild 3963
RMD160 a8b8750c2b3f4c8afbd5e9c47c3815e550798a7a awstats-6.7-r1.ebuild 3963
SHA256 38321191edacd7c9f7158159c800ba2d845da4f4a9b39ba0c347b3689df17bd6 awstats-6.7-r1.ebuild 3963
MISC metadata.xml 162 RMD160 0b015f5ff17c4d8e7aee826d48b326cc19b1fed4 SHA1 671b30dafbea01228c8bb606af451a0795922840 SHA256 84ff2fc6c9a4af1b9dbe32aa81ab84c2958bc1bd65a9977686df2dcab6e420d0
MD5 7b6e6cf3eaafa0480ab619fadfb37e2e metadata.xml 162
RMD160 0b015f5ff17c4d8e7aee826d48b326cc19b1fed4 metadata.xml 162
SHA256 84ff2fc6c9a4af1b9dbe32aa81ab84c2958bc1bd65a9977686df2dcab6e420d0 metadata.xml 162
MD5 8e9bd030d560843e00d92c1cbc2c5259 files/digest-awstats-6.7-r1 238
RMD160 869c53d0179e70d29c3e1901c8cc06253222154e files/digest-awstats-6.7-r1 238
SHA256 282b6af0e8ed9b83a2b42ecbfdf85337d02e263421613014fe37add7541f2c64 files/digest-awstats-6.7-r1 238
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/awstats/awstats-6.7-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/12/15 09:43:26 hollow Exp $
inherit eutils webapp versionator depend.apache
DESCRIPTION="AWStats is short for Advanced Web Statistics."
KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
IUSE="cgi geoip"
geoip? ( dev-perl/Geo-IP )"
pkg_setup() {
if ! use cgi; then
ewarn "You have not enabled the cgi USE flag."
ewarn "This means you need to generate static"
ewarn "HTML statistics instead of using"
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
cd "${S}"
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.3-gentoo.diff
# change default installation directory
for file in tools/* wwwroot/cgi-bin/*; do
if [[ -f "${file}" ]]; then
sed \
-e "s#/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin#${MY_CGIBINDIR}#g" \
-e "s#/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/icon#${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/icon#g" \
-e "s#/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/plugins#${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/plugins#g" \
-e "s#/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/classes#${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/classes#g" \
-e "s#/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot#${MY_HTDOCSDIR}#g" \
-i "${file}" || die "sed ${file} failed"
# set the logpath
if use apache2; then
# set default values for directories
sed \
-e "s|^\(LogFile=\).*$|\1\"/var/log/${logpath}\"|" \
-e "s|^\(SiteDomain=\).*$|\1\"localhost\"|" \
-e "s|^\(DirIcons=\).*$|\1\"/awstats/icon\"|" \
-e "s|^\(DirCgi=\).*$|\1\"/cgi-bin\"|" \
-i "${S}"/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf || die "sed failed"
src_install() {
dohtml -r docs/*.html docs/*.xml docs/*.css docs/*.js docs/images
newdoc wwwroot/cgi-bin/plugins/example/
docinto xslt
dodoc tools/xslt/*
webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinst-en-r1.txt
keepdir /var/lib/awstats
# Copy the app's main files
if use cgi; then
exeinto "${MY_CGIBINDIR}"
doexe "${S}"/wwwroot/cgi-bin/*.pl
exeinto "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/classes
doexe "${S}"/wwwroot/classes/*.jar
# install language files, libraries and plugins
mkdir -p "${D}${MY_CGIBINDIR}"
for dir in lang lib plugins; do
cp -R "${S}/wwwroot/cgi-bin/${dir}" "${D}${MY_CGIBINDIR}"
# install the app's www files
mkdir -p "${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"
for dir in icon css js; do
cp -R "${S}/wwwroot/${dir}" "${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"
# copy configuration file
insinto /etc/awstats
doins "${S}"/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf
# create the data directory for awstats
mkdir -p "${D}/${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/datadir"
# install command line tools
cd "${S}"/tools
dobin \
|||| \
# fix perms
for dir in lang lib plugins; do
chmod 0755 "${D}${MY_CGIBINDIR}/${dir}"
for dir in icon css js; do
chmod 0755 "${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/${dir}"
pkg_postinst() {
elog "The AWStats-Manual is available either inside"
elog "the /usr/share/doc/${PF} - folder, or at"
elog " ."
ewarn "Copy the /etc/awstats/awstats.model.conf to"
ewarn "/etc/awstats/awstats.<yourdomain>.conf and edit it."
if use geoip ; then
einfo "Add the following line to /etc/awstats/awstats.<yourdomain>.conf"
einfo "to enable GeoIP plugin:"
einfo "LoadPlugin=\"geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat\" "
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
diff -urN awstats-6.3.orig/tools/ awstats-6.3/tools/
--- awstats-6.3.orig/tools/ 2005-01-24 09:28:43.980923725 -0500
+++ awstats-6.3/tools/ 2005-01-24 09:28:52.034571769 -0500
@@ -658,13 +658,27 @@
print "\n-----> Restart Web server with '$command'\n";
my $ret=`$command`;
print "$ret";
+ } elsif (-f "/etc/gentoo-release") {
+ my $command;
+ if (-x "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl") {
+ $command="/usr/sbin/apache2ctl graceful";
+ } elsif (-x "/usr/sbin/apachectl") {
+ $command="/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful";
+ } else {
+ print "\n-----> Don't forget to restart manually your web server\n";
+ }
+ if ($command != "") {
+ print "\n-----> Restart Web server with '$command'\n";
+ my $ret=`$command`;
+ print "$ret";
+ }
} elsif (-x "/sbin/service") {
# We are not on debian
my $command="/sbin/service httpd restart";
print "\n-----> Restart Web server with '$command'\n";
my $ret=`$command`;
print "$ret";
- } else {
+ } else {
print "\n-----> Don't forget to restart manually your web server\n";
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
Index: awstats-6.5/wwwroot/cgi-bin/
--- awstats-6.5.orig/wwwroot/cgi-bin/
+++ awstats-6.5/wwwroot/cgi-bin/
@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ sub Read_Config {
my $configdir=shift;
my @PossibleConfigDir=();
- if ($configdir) { @PossibleConfigDir=("$configdir"); }
+ if ($configdir && $ENV{"AWSTATS_ENABLE_CONFIG_DIR"}) { @PossibleConfigDir=("$configdir"); }
else { @PossibleConfigDir=("$DIR","/etc/awstats","/usr/local/etc/awstats","/etc","/etc/opt/awstats"); }
# Open config file
@@ -5534,7 +5534,7 @@ if ($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}) { # Run f
$QueryString =~ s/&/&/g;
- $QueryString = CleanFromCSSA($QueryString);
+ $QueryString = CleanFromCSSA(&DecodeEncodedString($QueryString));
# Security test
if ($QueryString =~ /LogFile=([^&]+)/i) { error("Logfile parameter can't be overwritten when AWStats is used from a CGI"); }
@@ -5542,7 +5542,7 @@ if ($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}) { # Run f
# No update but report by default when run from a browser
- if ($QueryString =~ /config=([^&]+)/i) { $SiteConfig=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); }
+ if ($QueryString =~ /config=([^&]+)/i) { $SiteConfig=&Sanitize(&DecodeEncodedString("$1")); }
if ($QueryString =~ /diricons=([^&]+)/i) { $DirIcons=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); }
if ($QueryString =~ /pluginmode=([^&]+)/i) { $PluginMode=&Sanitize(&DecodeEncodedString("$1"),1); }
if ($QueryString =~ /configdir=([^&]+)/i) { $DirConfig=&Sanitize(&DecodeEncodedString("$1")); }
@@ -5561,7 +5561,7 @@ if ($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}) { # Run f
# If migrate
if ($QueryString =~ /(^|-|&|&)migrate=([^&]+)/i) {
- $MigrateStats=&DecodeEncodedString("$2");
+ $MigrateStats=&Sanitize(&DecodeEncodedString("$2"));
$MigrateStats =~ /^(.*)$PROG(\d{0,2})(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)(.*)\.txt$/;
$SiteConfig=$5?$5:'xxx'; $SiteConfig =~ s/^\.//; # SiteConfig is used to find config file
@@ -5591,7 +5591,7 @@ else { # Run from command line
# Update with no report by default when run from command line
- if ($QueryString =~ /config=([^&]+)/i) { $SiteConfig="$1"; }
+ if ($QueryString =~ /config=([^&]+)/i) { $SiteConfig=&Sanitize("$1"); }
if ($QueryString =~ /diricons=([^&]+)/i) { $DirIcons="$1"; }
if ($QueryString =~ /pluginmode=([^&]+)/i) { $PluginMode=&Sanitize("$1",1); }
if ($QueryString =~ /configdir=([^&]+)/i) { $DirConfig=&Sanitize("$1"); }
Index: awstats-6.5/tools/
--- awstats-6.5.orig/tools/
+++ awstats-6.5/tools/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ $nowsec $nowmin $nowhour $nowday $nowmon
# Return: None
sub error {
- print "Error: $_[0].\n";
+ print STDERR "Error: $_[0].\n";
exit 1;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ sub warning {
# print "$messagestring<br />\n";
# }
# else {
- print "$messagestring\n";
+ print STDERR "$messagestring\n";
# }
# }
Index: awstats-6.5/tools/
--- awstats-6.5.orig/tools/
+++ awstats-6.5/tools/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ $Step=0;
# error
sub error {
- print "Error: $_[0].\n";
+ print STDERR "Error: $_[0].\n";
exit 1;
Index: awstats-6.5/tools/
--- awstats-6.5.orig/tools/
+++ awstats-6.5/tools/
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ sub error {
my $thirdmessage=shift||"";
my $donotshowsetupinfo=shift||0;
if ($Debug) { debug("$message $secondmessage $thirdmessage",1); }
- print "$message";
- print "\n";
+ print STDERR "$message";
+ print STDERR "\n";
exit 1;
Index: awstats-6.5/tools/
--- awstats-6.5.orig/tools/
+++ awstats-6.5/tools/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ my $AwstatsProg='';
# Return: None
sub error {
- print "Error: $_[0].\n";
+ print STDERR "Error: $_[0].\n";
exit 1;
Index: awstats-6.5/tools/
--- awstats-6.5.orig/tools/
+++ awstats-6.5/tools/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ my $bzcat_file = '\.bz2$';
# Return: None
sub error {
- print "Error: $_[0].\n";
+ print STDERR "Error: $_[0].\n";
exit 1;
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ sub debug {
sub warning {
my $messagestring=shift;
if ($Debug) { debug("$messagestring",1); }
- print "$messagestring\n";
+ print STDERR "$messagestring\n";
Index: awstats-6.5/tools/
--- awstats-6.5.orig/tools/
+++ awstats-6.5/tools/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $MailType=''; # Mail server family (p
sub error {
- print "Error: $_[0].\n";
+ print STDERR "Error: $_[0].\n";
exit 1;
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
MD5 512cd146247eb178ef023c924f7bb766 awstats-6.7.tar.gz 1089638
RMD160 5a84327871b65cad5cb6dbaded5c223660806953 awstats-6.7.tar.gz 1089638
SHA256 36344e7c2271393cf60e9a3818392fbece0ff838c83fcf59fed9818dfac5a081 awstats-6.7.tar.gz 1089638
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
# If you would like to require authentication to access AWStats, then use ONE
# of the example configurations below. There are many other modules and
# options for authentication which will not be discussed here.
# NOTE: Related AWStats configuration directives are:
# AllowAccessFromWebToAuthenticatedUsersOnly=1
# AllowAccessFromWebToFollowingAuthenticatedUsers="user1 [user2 ...]"
# You can use these to set a per-domain user access when needed for virtual
# hosting. That means: only the selected user(s) will have access to stats for
# the particular domain. All other users will not be allowed to see the domain
# stats even though they have authenticated successfully.
# SECTION I - Basic Authentication
# The following example requires mod_auth (apache 2.0) or mod_auth_basic
# (apache 2.2) to work. Make sure you have installed and enabled it in
# /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
# Add your AWStats users to /etc/awstats/.htpasswd file.
# Please see 'man htpasswd2' for more details if you need.
# htpasswd2 -c /etc/awstats/.htpasswd username1 htpasswd2
# /etc/awstats/.htpasswd username2 etc...
#<Location "/cgi-bin/">
# AuthType Basic
# AuthName "AWStats authenticated zone"
# AuthUserFile /etc/awstats/.htpasswd
# Require valid-user
# SECTION II - Digest Authentication
# The following example requires mod_auth_digest to work. Make sure you have
# installed and enabled it in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
# Do not forget to replace as appropriate. You can also add as
# many domains as you need to this line.
# Add your AWStats users to /etc/awstats/.htdigest file. Please see 'man
# htdigest2' and for
# more details if you need.
# htdigest2 -c /etc/awstats/.htdigest "AWStats authenticated zone" username1
# htdigest2 /etc/awstats/.htdigest "AWStats authenticated zone" username2
# etc...
#<Location "/cgi-bin/">
# AuthType Digest
# AuthName "AWStats authenticated zone"
# AuthDigestFile /etc/awstats/.htdigest
# AuthDigestDomain
# require valid-user
# # The following line is REQUIRED to work around a bug in MSIE.
# # See
# BrowserMatch "MSIE" AuthDigestEnableQueryStringHack=On
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
Alias /awstats/classes "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/htdocs/classes/"
Alias /awstats/css "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/htdocs/css/"
Alias /awstats/icons "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/htdocs/icon/"
ScriptAlias /awstats/ "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/hostroot/cgi-bin/"
ScriptAlias /awstats "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/hostroot/cgi-bin/"
ScriptAlias / "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/hostroot/cgi-bin/"
<Directory "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/htdocs">
Options None
AllowOverride None
<IfModule mod_access.c>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/hostroot/cgi-bin">
Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
<IfModule mod_access.c>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# NOTE: The following sections are strictly optional. Please read
# and follow carefully all the instructions before uncommenting
# any lines. Examples shown below are for Apache 2.0.x ONLY.
# If you would like to require authentication to access AWStats,
# then uncomment ONE of the example Directory sections below.
# NOTE: Related AWStats configuration directives are:
# AllowAccessFromWebToAuthenticatedUsersOnly=1
# AllowAccessFromWebToFollowingAuthenticatedUsers="user1 [user2 ...]"
# You can use these to set a per-domain user access when needed
# for virtual hosting. That means: only the selected user(s) will have
# access to stats for the particular domain. All other users
# will not be allowed to see the domain stats even though they
# have authenticated successfully.
# SECTION I - Basic Authentication
# The following example requires mod_auth to work.
# You need to uncomment the following line in apache2.conf
# and restart Apache to get the module loaded:
# LoadModule auth_module modules/
# Add your AWStats users to /etc/awstats/.htpasswd file.
# Please see 'man htpasswd2' for more details if you need.
# htpasswd2 -c /etc/awstats/.htpasswd username1
# htpasswd2 /etc/awstats/.htpasswd username2
# etc...
#<IfModule mod_auth.c>
#<Directory "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/hostroot">
# Options None
# AllowOverride None
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all
# AuthType Basic
# AuthName "AWStats authenticated zone"
# AuthUserFile /etc/awstats/.htpasswd
# Require valid-user
# SECTION II - Digest Authentication
# The following example requires mod_auth_digest to work.
# You need to uncomment the following line in apache2.conf
# and restart Apache to get the module loaded:
# LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
# Do not forget to replace as appropriate. You can also add
# as many domains as you need to this line.
# Add your AWStats users to /etc/awstats/.htdigest file. Please see
# 'man htdigest2' and
# for more details if you need.
# htdigest2 -c /etc/awstats/.htdigest "AWStats authenticated zone" username1
# htdigest2 /etc/awstats/.htdigest "AWStats authenticated zone" username2
# etc...
#<IfModule mod_auth_digest.c>
#<Directory "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/hostroot">
# Options None
# AllowOverride None
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all
# AuthType Digest
# AuthName "AWStats authenticated zone"
# AuthDigestFile /etc/awstats/.htdigest
# AuthDigestDomain
# require valid-user
# # The following line is REQUIRED to work around a bug in MSIE.
# # See
# BrowserMatch "MSIE" AuthDigestEnableQueryStringHack=On
# SECTION III - MySQL Authentication
# The following example requires mod_auth_mysql to work.
# Emerge mod_auth_mysql and follow the instructions in
# 12_mod_auth_mysql.conf to create MySQL database required
# for authentication. After you finished adding users, add
# '-D AUTH_MYSQL' to your /etc/conf.d/apache2 APACHE2_OPTS
# setting and restart Apache to get the module loaded.
#<IfModule mod_auth_mysql.c>
#<Directory "/usr/share/webapps/awstats/PVR/hostroot">
# Options None
# AllowOverride None
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all
# AuthName "AWStats MySQL authenticated zone"
# AuthType Basic
# AuthMySQLUser authuser
# AuthMySQLPassword PaSsW0Rd
# AuthMySQLDB auth
# AuthMySQLUserTable users
# AuthMySQLNameField user_name
# AuthMySQLPasswordField user_passwd
# # Uncomment the two lines below ONLY if you have
# # the required table for group-based MySQL authentication
# # in your MySQL database.
# #AuthMySQLGroupTable groups
# #AuthMySQLGroupField user_group
# # Uncomment one of the following directives according
# # to the database structure you have chosen.
# #require valid-user
# #require group your_group_name_here
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
Add table
Reference in a new issue